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Darling, Be safe .. !

Safety Precautions Infants Your newborn is on a journey of discovery. He depends on you to keep him safe. It is the parent’s sole responsibility to provide & ensure safe atmosphere to the sibling. Prevent falls : One of...

The Sensitive Periods in child development-III

Here we are , gonna learn the next three sensitivity periods in child development. Missed the earlier posts ? Here are the links , click them and you will be re-routed. The Sensitive Periods in Child Development -...

The Sensitive Periods in child development-II

Further to my earlier post yesterday, ( Click here to view the post ) on the 1st Sensitive Period, lets hop along to learn about the other sensitive periods : 2) The Period of Refinement of senses  ...

The Sensitive Periods in child development-I

                           It is widely believed that an infant has a clear mental life since its pre-natal life.  This tendency of sensibility helps the child for the...

Famous Quotes of Dr Maria Montessori

Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed. The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to  say, "The children are now working as if i do not...

Natural Laws of Development - A Note

                       Nature has its own arrangement for all living things. All we need to do is to follow nature’s trail. If nature is altered or tampered with, we have to face serious consequences. Great philosophers have researched...

Five aspects of Freedom

                             We just learnt in the earlier posts that the teacher or the parent has to aid the development of the child. Likewise, the school...